Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gemini Strike: There's Actually a Reason for You to Come Back After Dying!

Presented by Armor Games, Gemini Strike is a surprisingly good mobile videogame, with a believable story and original graphics. Being a big fan of Armor Games, I was thrilled to see them continue to make games for mobile platforms. I immediately downloaded Gemini, and was highly impressed with the graphics, which are some sort of futuristic pixel-type. I'm glad they didn't try to make the graphics 3D or something, cause it probably would've looked like crap and also ruined the feel of the game. Anyway, I have a particular weakness for pixelated games, and this was just was I was looking for.



The spoilers aren't really all that bad, but I'd probably get hate if I don't put something up. XD
The game portrays you as a spaceship pilot for the Alliance, and a vital element of "Project Gemini." Project Gemini produces clones so the consciousness of a pilot can be transferred to a different clone if said pilot is killed. I really like this, because instead of the usual mobile game "energy" aspect which only lets you attempt a specific amount of missions before you must wait for the energy to refill, Gemini gives you 4 "lives." You can only die 4 times before you have to wait for your lives to refill. This ensures that if you have enough skill, you can play as long as you want. Also, like I mentioned in the title, this actually gives a reason for your character coming back from the dead, other than the usual lame excuse: you didn't actually die.
I mentioned the storyline, which I love btw. It reminds me of a TV show where each sector is an episode or something. The dialogue is hilarious, if a little colorful, and it breaks up the monotony of the actual gameplay.
That's actually the only problem I have with Gemini. The gameplay feels quite similar from sector to sector, almost as if they were cloned...
Just kidding! The gameplay does vary in content and difficulty, even if only a small amount.  In the 20 sectors, there are mines and asteroids everywhere. I shudder to think how bad the 70 or 80 sectors will be...
I haven't even beaten the game yet, there's like 100 sectors and I'm only on 27.

Still haven't beaten it yet! I'm slowly plodding my way through the 60 sectors now... this is gonna take a while...

I love the customization features. There are almost 3 dozen ships to buy, and countless items to fit your fighter with. Each item will give your ship different stats, as well as new pretty lasers or missiles to explode enemies in full 2D glory. These aspects give the finishing touch to an already-considerable game.
I'm probably just raging about how good this game is because of how much I love Armor, but Gemini is at least worth checking out.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Infinity Blade Chronicles

With their spellbinding graphics and unique gameplay, Infinity Blade I, II, and III are truly revolutionary mobile games. 

!  (Spoilers ahead, beware!)  !

In Infinity Blade I, you, as a lone knight, must avenge your father's death by killing the tyrannical tyrant who took your dad's life. It's not that easy, though, because you must defeat the King's Titans in order to get to him.
It's almost the same story in Infinity Blade II. You travel around a castle called The Vault of Tears killing ugly enemies and racking up gold to buy better equipment. 
The third installment is a bit different. The game is almost scripted, with different levels unlocked after beating the previous one. This is why my favorite game out of these three is II. It retains the same independent feel of I, but has almost as much content as III.

Infinity Blade II Gameplay

So where do I stand with these games? 
Pros: Mesmerizing graphics, skill based gameplay, large amount of regular and hidden content, great music; done by Imagine Dragons.
Cons: Biggest one is money. Holey cheese, these games are expensive!! Or, they used to be... (quickly checks app store) Okay, they aren't as pricey as they were once, with I being $6, and II and III both being $7. But still, if you want all of them, that's 19 bucks!
Other cons: Slightly grind oriented, and storage! These games all take up one GB or more due to the graphics. 
I also recently figured out that there are graphic novels written by Brandon Sanderson, so if it seems like the storyline doesn't quite fit between games, it's because you're missing whole books worth of info. I myself haven't read the novels, so I can't recommend. Sorry.
You decide for yourself whether the pros outweigh the cons. As for money, I just waited for a holiday sale where III was only $1.
Over all, great games, just a little pricey and space-consuming.
