Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Battleheart Legacy, Where the Hero has Sass

Brought to us by Mika Mobile, Battleheart Legacy is based off their previous game, titled Battleheart. I know, show some originality, guys!
Legacy has the feel of a classic RPG re-textured for mobile devices. The game is extremely in-depth and customizable, with a dozen classes to specialize in and over two hundred equipment items to acquire and use.
While the graphics are great, and the gameplay is quite enjoyable, I think that my favorite part of Legacy is the re-playability. You can start out as a Knight class, beat the game, then make another character slot as a wizard. The second or third time you play may not be quite as entertaining as the first, but using different classes and items still make it fun.
True to RPG form, the game also includes a few NPC quests to complete, including the main quest where your hero or heroine must collect the three "Solar Crystals" for the king. This quest requires your character to be level twenty-nine or higher, so your first time through the game will certainly not be short. It took me like a month to beat the game for the first time, but my most recent character file made it from level one to the final boss in about a week.
The other really cool thing Legacy is the feature of transferring your character slots over the iCloud. So if I start a new hero on my tablet but decide I want this character on my phone, I just have to upload it to the Cloud!

Legacy is one of the first mobile videogames I've seen that doesn't include in-app purchases. Unfortunately, this also means that the game itself costs $4.99, but in my opinion, it's totally worth it.

Reason for the title XD

Learn more about Battleheart and Battleheart Legacy at, and check the sidebar for the Battleheart Legacy Wiki.
This is an exceptional mobile game that is totally worth the price. If you have five bucks lying around, I very much recommend this game.


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